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App Store Connect
Analytics: Pre-orders

Analytics: Pre-orders

The App Store Pre-Orders Report includes pre-order data generated on the App Store. Use the data in this report to measure the number of pre-orders that people place and the number of cancelations, as well as attribute pre-orders to acquisition sources and App Store pages.

Fields included in this report

The App Store country or region in which the pre-order was initiated.
Source Type
The source type that led the user to discover your app.
Pre-Orders Placed
The total number of pre-orders placed.
Source Info
The app referrer or web referrer that led the user to place the pre-order.
Pre-Order Start Date
The date the app became available for pre-order.
Pre-Order End Date
The last date the app is available for pre-order.
Pre-Order Canceled
The total number of pre-orders canceled.
Platform Verison
The OS version of the device on which the app was pre-ordered.
Page Type
The page type from which the pre-order was placed.
Page Title
The name of the product page or in-app event page that led the user to pre-order your app.
The type of device on which the app was pre-ordered.
Date on which the event occurred. For weekly and monthly instances, this column represents the first day of the week and month, respectively.
App Name
The name of the app provided by you during app setup in App Store Connect.
App Apple Identifier
Your app’s Apple ID.

Dimension Values Glossary

Source Type
App Clip
The user tapped a link in your App Clip that brought them to your App Store product page.
Source Type
App Store browse
The user viewed your app or tapped to pre-order it while browsing the App Store (for example, in the Today, Games, or Apps sections).
Source Type
App Store search
The user pre-ordered your app from Search on the App Store. Includes Search Ads in App Store search.
Source Type
App referrer
The user tapped a link in an app that brought them to your App Store product page. Includes apps using the StoreKit API to load your product page. Includes Apple apps, such as Messages, except Safari.
Page Type
In-app event
The user pre-ordered your app from an In-App Event page.
Source Type
Institutional Purchase
The user pre-ordered your app from Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.
Page Type
No page
Your app was presented in a list view to the user and there was no page title associated with the download.
Page Type
Product page
The user pre-ordered your app from your app’s product page.
Page Type
Store sheet
The user pre-ordered your app from a store sheet in the App Store.
Source Type
The source from which the user pre-ordered your app is unavailable.
Source Type
Web referrer
The user tapped a link from a website that brought them to your App Store product page. If a chain of redirects in Safari leads to your App Store product page, the referring website will be the last URL in the chain. For iOS apps, taps from websites in non-Safari web browsers, such as Chrome, are attributed as that web browser app in App Referrers. For macOS apps, taps from non-Safari web browsers are attributed to Web Referrers.

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