Export your App Referrers with Easy App Reports

Easy App Reports now allows you to track and visualize App Referrers data, giving you unprecedented visibility into the specific sources driving users

August 23, 2024
 min read

At Easy App Reports, our mission has always been to empower app companies with the tools they need to make informed, data-driven decisions. Today, we announce an improvement that aligns perfectly with this mission: the integration of App Referrers data into our platform.

If you're new here, you're welcome to check our Integrations, full list of metrics available, and transparent pricing.

Why App Referrers Matter

In the competitive world of app development and marketing, understanding where your traffic comes from is crucial. Previously, app companies could track broad traffic sources such as App Store Search and Web Referrers. However, digging deeper into specific referrer details was challenging because this dimension wasn’t available via API.

With our latest update, that changes. Easy App Reports now allows you to track and visualize App Referrers data, giving you unprecedented visibility into the specific sources driving users to your app. This could include referrers from other apps, specific marketing campaigns, or even partner networks. With this granular data at your fingertips, you can better understand user acquisition channels, optimize your marketing efforts, and ultimately, improve your app’s performance.

How It Works: A Simple, Seamless Integration

Integrating App Referrers data into your existing Easy App Reports workflow is straightforward. Here’s how it works:

  1. Install the Chrome Extension: Start by downloading our Google Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store. This tool is key to accessing the App Referrers data from your App Store Connect account.
  2. Log Into Your Accounts: Ensure you’re logged into both your App Store Connect account and your Easy App Reports account.
  3. Fetch the Data: Once logged in, navigate to your app space within App Store Connect. Open the Easy App Reports Chrome extension, and with a simple click, initiate the data download. The extension will automatically fetch and prepare the App Referrers data for you.
  4. Sync with Your Destinations: After the data is fetched, sync it with your desired destination, whether it’s Looker Studio or BigQuery. Our platform ensures that the data transfer is seamless, and you can even manually sync the data as needed.
  5. Visualize and Analyze: With the data now available in your reporting tools, you can start building dashboards and visualizations that highlight the performance of different traffic sources. Whether you’re tracking downloads, impressions, or sessions, the added dimension of App Referrers will provide richer insights.

Benefits of App Referrers Integration

This new feature is more than just an additional data point—it’s a game-changer for app companies. Here’s why:

  • Granular Insights: Understand the specific apps or platforms that are driving traffic to your app, allowing you to focus your marketing efforts where they’re most effective.
  • Improved Decision-Making: With more detailed data, you can make better decisions about where to allocate resources and how to optimize your user acquisition strategies.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Whether you’re using Looker Studio or BigQuery, the ability to include App Referrers in your reports means more comprehensive and actionable insights.
  • Easy to Use: Our Chrome extension makes the process of fetching and syncing data straightforward, so you can focus on analysis rather than data management.

Get Started Today

We believe that this new feature will significantly enhance how you track and analyze your app’s performance. To start using App Referrers in Easy App Reports, simply download the Chrome extension and follow the steps outlined above.

You can sign up and try App Referrers for yourself on this page.

At Easy App Reports, we’re committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that our platform evolves to meet the needs of app companies like yours. We’re excited to see how you’ll use App Referrers data to drive your app’s success.

Happy Reporting!

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